News Post

Annual Meeting Schedule Available

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

AM2013_flat_logo-ribbon-two-colorThe Annual Meeting & Legal Expo 2013 is almost here and things will be getting started down at The Grand Hotel in beautiful Point Clear on Wednesday afternoon of next week. Refreshments will be offered on arrival from Noon until 6:00 pm, and Registration will be open from Noon until 7:00 pm.

We have lots of great CLE planned, including our Opening Plenary Session titled Trial & Appellate Practice: Things You Never Want to Hear a Judge Say!, and featured plenaries and workshops on Funding Justice: Are We? and the Legislative Update from the Alabama Law Institute.   There will also be updates from many of the sections, the Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Association, the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution and a joint presentation by the Access to Justice Commission and Alabama Appleseed, as well as client development and technology sessions.  There will also be a record number of exhibitors, including many new ones such as Casemaker, our free legal research provider.

Social events include the Kick-Off Reception by The Grand’s fantastic pool, the ever-popular Bloody Mary & Mimosa Reception and Bench & Bar Luncheon, VLP Reception, Maude McLure Kelly Award Luncheon, law school alumni receptions, President’s Closing Night Family Celebration in honor of outgoing bar president Phillip McCallum and Presidential Reception honoring Anthony A. Joseph, our incoming president.  And you won’t want to miss our newest social event, Dancing With The Bars, when some of your favorite lawyers will put their dancing skills to the test.

Kid’s events are scheduled every day, and include a Cupcake Creations party, Circus Party with Madagascar Friends and the always packed Build-A-Bear special event.  Golf and tennis tournaments and the Legal Run-Around 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk will make sure you get enough exercise to justify eating all the wonderful food at The Grand.

To see the entire schedule or review the list of sponsors and exhibitors, click on the tabs at the top of the page or the links in the left hand column under Pages.

The countdown is almost over. Online registration is closed but we can register you on-site.  We’ll see you at The Grand!